The following checklist is a self-assessment tool to help industry understand labelling requirements set out in the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) and Regulations and the Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA) and Regulations. The checklist only covers core labelling requirements applicable to all foods. For more information on voluntary claims or statements and commodity specific labelling requirements, visit the Industry Labelling Tool. Labelling requirements checklist disclaimer: Adherence to the labelling requirements checklist does not preclude the Canadian Food Inspection Agency from taking regulatory action in cases of non-compliance to regulatory and legislative labelling requirements. This publication is not a legal document. The user is encouraged to consult the official version of the applicable legislation in the FDA and in the SFCA for the purposes of interpreting and applying the law. The labelling requirements checklist was last modified in March 2024.
Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for further information on common name.
Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for further information on Net quantity.
Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for further information on list of ingredients and allergens labelling.
Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for further information on name and principal place of business.
Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for more information on food-specific labelling requirements.
Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for further information on date markings.
Note: When ADS is less than 100 cm 2 , a small package NFt exemption may apply to products that qualify for a free of sugars claim provided certain additional requirements are met.
Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for further information on nutrition labelling.
Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for further information on bilingual labelling.
Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for further information on irradiated foods.
Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for further information on sweeteners.
Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for further information on country of origin labelling.