The Board for Licensing Contractors was established in 1931 to regulate contractors in the State of Tennessee. The current requirements for the licensure of contractors, home improvement contractors, limited licensed electricians, and limited licensed plumbers can be found in Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 62, Chapter 6.
The mission of the Tennessee Board for Licensing Contractors is to protect the public health, safety and welfare through the regulation of contractors, home improvement contractors, limited licensed electricians, and limited licensed plumbers.
A contractor's license is required prior to contracting (bidding or negotiating a price) whenever the total cost of the project is $25,000 or more. For licensing information for projects less than $25,000, see “Types of Licenses ”.
NEW! Effective April 9, 2024, Public Chapter 664 changed the financial statement requirements for contractor licensing. For more information, see “Financial Statement Changes”.