Is mediation legally binding?

During mediation, a neutral third party helps you and your ex negotiate the terms of your divorce. Once the mediation is over and you and your ex have made amicable decisions on the matters at hand, the mediator will draw up a legally binding contract that you both will sign and be held responsible for holding up your respective side of the deal. Should you need to renegotiate at any time, a new contract must be agreed upon, created, and signed. So, while it is binding, it is possible to modify and change the agreement just as your lives will change over time.

What is Mediation?

Georgians facing the end of their marriage can help reduce the financial strain of divorce by using a neutral third-party mediator to help the two parties reach amicable agreements on issues such as the dividing of finances, properties, and assets, whether one will pay the other alimony and the amount which is paid, and in the presence of children it can also help with custody, visitation, and child support. Mediation is a fantastic tool for helping the two parties come to terms without spending as much money as a longer court case would have them spend.

In some cases, a judge will order mediation during a case to help both parties understand and weigh their strengths and weaknesses in the case.

When Do I Need Mediation?

While the majority of mediation is done before a divorce, mediation can also be greatly beneficial during and after a divorce takes place, as well. Besides helping make initial decisions before the divorce, mediation can greatly benefit the hearing, and the judge may even order it. This can be especially true after “discovery,” the stage in litigation where spouses may retrieve documents and information from the other.

And, as most divorced people can attest to, a final divorce judgment doesn’t always mean the end of legal disputes between the two parties. Sometimes one of the parties may wish to make amends to the divorce contract, and a mediator can also help with this.

How We Can Help.

Before, during, or after mediation can significantly benefit all involved, and we are here to help you reach decisions and agreements that mutually benefit both parties. Discussing all your options with an attorney is always the best first step as we have years of experience helping those in the same situation as yourself. You can trust that we will always have your best interests at the forefront of our minds. Contact us at 404-738-5805 or online to book your consultation today.

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